March 31, 2014


I've made my on profile on . I hope to get some readers from their to see my blog and interact with me. In a scary way im a bit addicted to right now. Every couple hours i check my profile to see what happend in the meantime. I guess i am not only a fashionvicitim im even a socialmedia- victim. Terrible ! :C / :D


I've just decided to write some of my posts in english. I would like to give the poeple a chance to read my blog who can't speak german and maybe i can either improve my english skills. So please be indulgent if i'll make some mistakes. i'll do my best and try to make my blog more international.

The photo was taken in Cologne when i was visiting a friend of mine. What i really like about big- citys are the historical centres with their little alleys. The photo was taken very spontaneous and it's one of my favorite. 

Everything on my outfit is by H&M only the shoes were ordered on a german onlineshop called Zalando.

I hope you all enjoy the first spring,- summerdays this year. :))